The Most Amazing Grace
So, God makes an astonishing offer to all that are ungodly who will – by faith – repent and trust Christ alone for salvation. The Bible word for this incredible transaction is imputation.
Jesus gets what we deserve (God imputes our sin to Jesus and punishes Him):
Made sin and a curse for us
Put to grief and carried our sorrows
Stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted
Wounded for our transgressions
Bruised for our iniquities
Chastised for us
Took our stripes
Bare our iniquities
Travail of soul
Soul made an offering for our sin
Poured out his soul unto death
Numbered with the transgressors
We do not get what we deserve but instead we get what we do not deserve (God imputes His righteousness to us and saves us by His grace):
Saved from God’s wrath and eternal punishment in hell
Peace with God
Righteousness and eternal life
Jesus as Lord, God as Father, adoption, Heaven and eternity with our great God and Savior!!