The Believer's Calling
Woe to the born-again Christian that has no fear of God!! The Bible says that one of the characteristics of lost people is that there is “no fear of God before their eyes” (Rom 3:18). As a result, they have pleasure in sin and do not even care. How foolish they are. The very next verse tells us what God has designed to wake them up to the knowledge of their sin – the 10 Commandments (Rom 3:19-20)! Beware, just because a person is saved, doesn’t mean he is now sinless – oh no! When you get saved, you still have your wretched sin nature. But alas, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov 1:7) and “by the fear of the LORD, men depart from evil.” (Prov 16:6) People often think the God of the OT is a God of wrath, but the God of the NT is a God of grace and mercy. The reality is that the God of the OT is the same as the God of the NT!! The Bible says He never changes! Jesus warned that He was to be feared because He had the power to cast the body and soul into hell (Matt 10:28). Paul said that he persuaded men because he knew the “terror of the Lord” (2 Cor 5:11). Beware and take heed to yourself. When people do not fear God or the consequences of their sins against Him, trouble and possibly even death will be coming to their house (1 Cor 11:30)!! Wake up church!! Be sure of this one thing – according to the Holy Spirit and the Bible He wrote – your sin will find you out!! (Num 32:23)