4. From faith to faith
Today, we will learn how the Apostle Paul INTRODUCED the gospel when he preached it. We will see that in the gospel, the righteousness of God is REVEALED from faith to faith – that is, God demonstrates His incredible goodness and righteousness through His plan to save souls through a requirement of faith ALONE. As it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” That is good news for the people on planet earth! However, the good news becomes infinitely glorious when we comprehend that in the gospel, the wrath of God is ALSO revealed. One preacher put it this way, “It is because God’s wrath is real that His mercy is relevant.” That is true! We will learn that God’s wrath is directed towards all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. But, WHY? God will say that it is because He has given LIGHT to every man– an internal evidence that God exists and the Bible is true – and yet people are not obeying the light given to them.