What's Really Important? Part 4

Mar 4, 2018    Romans 14:1-23

By way of review, Romans 14 has been about our personal convictions found in our liberty in Jesus Christ. Three important terms have helped us to understand God’s Word – precept, principle, and preference. A preference will vary based on personal convictions that become part of who you are as you follow Jesus Christ by faith, obey the Bible, and work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Early in the chapter, we found that believers were judging other believers who did not agree with their preferences. Consequently, divisions emerged. Last week, we viewed the chapter in light of the judgment seat of Christ – the truth that ALL believers will stand and give an account of themselves to Jesus Christ. This truth should check our motives, temper our criticisms, and humble our Laodicean pride while inspiring us to give ALL for our Lord Jesus Christ! Today, we finish the chapter with one of the clearest indications of Christian maturity found in the Bible – a HUMBLE willingness to lay aside Christian liberties for our brothers and sisters in Christ and for the sake of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.