What's Really Important? Part 3
Thus far in our series, we have identified and defined 3 important terms – precept, principle, and preference. And, we have learned that a preference will vary based on personal convictions that become part of who you are as you follow Jesus Christ by faith, obey the holy Bible, and work out your salvation with fear and trembling. In the beginning of Romans 14, we found that believers were judging other believers who did not AGREE with their preferences, and as a result, divisions began to emerge. Last week, we learned from God’s Word what it means to judge righteously and when and how we should or should not judge. Today, we will view the entire chapter and its contents in light of the judgment seat of Christ. The truth that ALL believers will stand before Jesus Christ as Judge one day soon should purify us for God’s glory. It should inspire us to GIVE all for our Lord Jesus Christ while at the same time it should check our motives, temper our criticisms, and humble our Laodicean pride. With God’s help, we will get a glimpse of ourselves today like on the day when we stand before our Lord Jesus…