What's Really Important? Part 1

Feb 11, 2018    Romans 14:1-23

Today, we will begin a short series of messages from Romans 14 related to one of the most controversial matters in the Church today. This message may be one of the most important in our church’s history! And, the reason relates to the DANGER found in this chapter. Throughout Church History, believers have taken positions on Christian liberties that have caused untold HARM to the lost and the saved. We must come to God’s Word today ready to HEAR and receive it as it is in truth God’s holy and authoritative Word on the matter at hand. There is one big problem that may prevent us from hearing this message the way God has intended for us to hear – we are LAODICEANS! That means that according to Revelation 3:14-22, we are going to THINK that we are not the problem, when in truth, we may just be the very people that are being called out in the passage by God. Just in case, let us all be willing to change what we think and do if it goes contrary to the holy Bible today.